Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Pop Quiz from Preston

1. Did you know that Vee (Valicia) is a Fiance. Yeah Vee and Carwos are getting married.

2. Royce is afraid of heights. And he often keeps his eyes closed during entire flights.

3. Don't laugh Paw (Paul). You couldn't find water in a pond. At least that is what Daddy said.

4. Oh yeah and Mess (Vanessa) good luck with that deck that Daddy and Paw are going to build onto your house. Cause they couldn't draw a straight line with a pencil and ruler, they think that plumb is a fruit, and that Bob Vila knew what he was talking about.

5. Oh yeah and Carwos I could take you in bowling...Blindfolded....With my hands tied behind my back....Asleep. So you better step up your game.

6. And last but not least, I bet you didn't know that I am up right now and eating chocolate, drinking soda, and my parents think I'm about to go to bed. Ha Ha.

Love you all.

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